To be emotionally literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that takes back your personal power. It improves the quality of life around you.
Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes co-operative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community.
A person with well developed emotional literacy can recognize, regulate and respond to their emotional states as they appear.
Facilitation is a great word to keep in mind as we guide clients through healing. Guides are prepared, flexible, and self-aware. Being able to guide a client through their emotions is one of the most amazing skills you can build in your toolbox.
Facilitate comes from the Latin facilis and means "easy". It means we make something easier or more likely to happen. Facilitating emotions and seeing patterns in clients is a goal every great coach can have.
Emotions are a key to healing work! Coaching is more than just teaching mindset and vision boards. Helping your clients to see their emotions as teachers and messages. We learn about patterns, and embodiment of them too.
"The more I grow, the more I understand your words and words in the many books and charts you've shared with me. I actually see measurable growth! I was grateful my growth happened when I was more mature and could handle it better. I just wanted you to share in the joy of my recognized growth. After all, you are part of it!"
"I've been coaching for a while, but it's been amazing to have the organization of tools and to be able to have so many more tools in my toolbox. It has given me courage and confidence and compassion with myself. I have always had compassion for others, but my compassion for myself has definitely grown this year."