Wellness Challenge 2024

Are you ready to make changes in 2025?

In this new and improved 12-week challenge you will make small daily habits grow into daily accountability.
Have fun and make new friends too! Earn and track points for daily goals and win prizes along the way.

Practice week starts December 30! (prizes will be given during practice week)
Full challenge begins January 6th

What is new? 

This year I have added weekly video messages with inspiration, tools,
a weekly journal page, new information,
 and so much more fun!
Be inspired to be and do better each week. You don't want to miss it.

Wellness Challenge 2025

Learn how to trust yourself by taking small daily steps

Listen to the video I made last year that explains the challenge!

Why a Wellness Challenge?

Start the year off with intention!

There are daily challenges in each of four areas of
PEMS — Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual

~Each day you will choose one challenge from each of the four categories for a total of 4 points.

~At the end of 12 weeks, the person with the highest score will take home a portion of the entrance fees! There will also be other prizes available throughout the challenge.

~Each year most of us make resolutions to improve ourselves in January. Why not make strategic choices now to ensure healthy self-care, a daily plan, and have a chance to win prize

At the end of 12 weeks, the person with the highest score will take home a portion of the entrance fees! There will also be other prizes available throughout the challenge.

Examples of Daily Challenges

  • 48 oz water
  • 45 minutes exercise
  • No sugar/sweets/unhealthy snacks
  • 7 hours sleep (not necessarily consecutive – naps count too!)
  • Connect with someone (phone call, text or visit)
  • Check in with two emotions daily (preferably to an accountability partner or journal)
  • One act of kindness/service
  • Read an article about emotional health
  • One journal entry
  • Say 3 positive affirmations into the mirror (I am statements)
  • 10 minutes puzzle (crossword, puzzle or )
  • Research/learn something for 15 minutes
  • Set your phone away for 1 hour
  • 15 minutes scripture or spiritual reading
  • Prayer ( at least one, many more welcome)
  • Meditation
  • Attend a church service

What To Expect
  • Weekly videos to inspire, teach, and have fun!
  • Google Sheet to record your challenges and points.
  • Telegram Group to connect with other participants.
  • Freedom to make the challenge your own! 
  • Connection with others who inspire you.

Tera Brown

Emotional Safety Mentor, International Trauma Informed Coach and Speaker, Tera Brown specializes in healing work with women, couples and families. 

Tera woke up from a lifelong pattern she wasn’t even aware of…avoiding, numbing and denying her emotions. Tera began her personal journey of personal growth and recovery that very day.  Her passion has become to share with others the tools she has found to live life authentically and on purpose. 

Her passion is teaching mad facilitating skills to coaches of any skill level to hold space, ask great questions, and abundantly flow through their business.

She also maintains a private practice seeing clients and teaching emotional literacy and recovery to many!  

Course Pricing

Wellness Challenge 2025

$50 USD

  • This is the entry fee

    • Wellness Challenge
This is for me!

Wellness Challenge + 30 min

$95 USD

    • Wellness Challenge
    • 30 minute session with Coach Tera
This is for me!

Wellness Challenge + 60 min

$140 USD

    • Wellness Challenge
    • 60 Minute Session with Coach Tera
This is for me!

Wellness Challenge + ELA

$250 USD

    • Wellness Challenge
    • Plus Next Session of Emotional Literacy Academy with a $25 discount!
This is for me!